People – The Heart of the Factory

Stephen Dickinson
Denroy Tool Maker
- Tell me a bit about your role at Denroy.
My role at Denroy is as a toolmaker. I carry out day-to-day maintenance and repairs on mould tools, as well as modifications and machine programming using CAD/CAM software.
2. What do you like best about working at Denroy?
I like the diversity of the work and projects, as well as the opportunity to work on tools for big companies like Thales and Airbus. When the opportunity presents itself, Denroy have also been very willing to send me on trips to these companies to see first-hand the end-result of my work.
3. What skills and expertise do you bring to the team?
I have been in an engineering role for the past 12 years, working with mould tooling and metal pressing tooling. I also have a good background in the work we do, and outside experience allows me to look at complicated jobs a bit differently.
4. Have you completed any recent qualifications or courses that have helped you with your job?
I became a coded welder this year, which has been very beneficial for mould repairs and modifications that previously would not be achievable in-house. I am also currently finishing up my NVQ and HNC and hoping to move onto a higher-level diploma or degree next year.
5. Can you provide any insights into future targets you want to achieve within your role?
I would like to see myself progressing in a mechanical engineering role in the future and growing my machining skills to a world-class standard.